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Showing posts from April, 2020

Spicy Peri Peri Garlic & Herb Vegan Dish

Spicy Peri Peri Garlic & Herb Vegan Dish Hi everyone, I know it has been a while. This Covid-19/Corona/Rona/Ro-Ro virus has me living a little more relaxed than usual. Since I am stuck indoors due to the UK lock down/social-distancing/self-isolation/quarantine... I honestly don’t know what to refer to these things as anymore. The anxiety that it has caused, has me just taking everything a day at a time, with not much motivation if I am entirely honest. As you UK viewers are aware, most fast food chains are closed. Therefore, feeling for a ‘cheeky Nandos’ means either reminiscing on when you last had one, fantasising about next year when you MIGHT be able to go out again and dine there... OR getting creative and making your own. Luckily for us, we had a sachet of Nandos rub, some peri peri salt and veggies that are reaching their use-by date. So I decided to be creative and treat ourselves to a DIY vegan Nandos Friday night dinner. I must say, the food turned out